Meet the cast of The High Lady


You have no idea what fear does to an Erkenblood. So, don’t ask me to be afraid, because I’m not letting power-lust take my decisions for me anymore.


I’m not your sister. I’m not your friend. I’m just that moody bitch you once met in a far-away temple. So, do me a favor and piss off.


I don’t smile because life was easy. I smile because it has nothing left to throw at me that I haven’t already survived. It’s my turn now.


I don’t know if I’m ready to die. All I know is, if I stay behind and anything happens to any of you, I can never forgive myself.


We can no longer protect our land with a fistful of stories and legends.


You have to defend this city, and you know you can’t do it without me.


The arcane is the strongest card in our deck. Once we spend that, and lose, nothing can save us.


Sepead has always been the undefeated power of Sessara, without ever wielding that power. We have become stronger in peace than any other nation has become at war.

Character art by Miriam Yvette